Raise more funds with a Ninja Night.
The Perfect Fundraiser for your group!
You can raise up to $2,560 dollars in one night.
That is $80% of the proceeds.
Group must cover costs of Pizza & Drinks.
Sponsor a Ninja Night:
All Inclusive Evening of Fun.
6pm to Midnight. 6 hours of action packed fun!
Kids will enjoy such games as. . .
Zombie Land, Dodgeball, Elements, Steal the Bacon,Opposite Game, Stuck in the Mud, Tiger Tail.
Includes a Complimentary Karate Class.
Movie: Family Friendly G rating.
How Much can your group make?
$40 a child.
Group Sizes up to 80 Children.
$2,560 for one evening of action packed fun!
How to Schedule Your Ninja Night.
Call Enshin Karate Ashburn at 703-444-5425
Schedule Your Ninja Night